Additional prohibited or restricted items may not be listed above.
Please contact us if you are unsure about any items you wish to dispose of.
Please contact us for up-to-date prices for these individually charged items. Also note that these prices may be higher if they are part of a small collection.
Since January 2023, new rules were introduced, by the environment agency, to control disposal of upholstered seating because of its materials containing Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs).
POPs, if not disposed of correctly, can be spread by wind or water and can affect people and wildlife as a result.
Proper disposal of this waste has added costs and therefore removal costs are raised. You can still dispose of these items yourself by getting these items to your local recycling centre, but obviously, you’ll need a method to get them there.
If you are offered a cheap method of removal for sofas, armchairs etc. then these items are probably being disposed of illegally.
We can offer a collection, in and nearby to Exeter, from £60 - in addition to our normal charge.
Our normal charges are £50 for 100 kilos for general household waste.
The £60 addition is necessary because the inclusion of 1 item of seating will make disposal of the whole load more expensive.
Our normal charge would be £50 per 100 kilos but seating carries a £60 surcharge, so here’s a couple of examples:
A two-seater sofa (weighing 80 kilos) and an armchair (weighing 40 kilos).
A few other household items (weighing 50 kilos).
Total weight is: 170 kilos, so £85
Extra charge for first item of POP waste: £60
Total cost: £145
An armchair (weighing 40 kilos)..
A few other household items (weighing 60 kilos).
Total weight is: 100 kilos, so £50
Extra charge for first item of POP waste: £60
Total cost: £110
📞 Call Us on 07849 167 028